Just back from a few excellent days diving in the Sound of Mull, all I can say is it never disappoints, and the weather was kind to us with sun and light winds. One wreck I particularly like is the SS Shuna which lies around 9km west of Lochaline and is only 10-15 minutes boat ride from there. My first dive on the Shuna started as usual, down the shot to the engine room casing, decision left or right, let’s go to the bow. I swam across the boiler casing and then across a large winch where I stopped, something was not as I remembered it, there used to be a wall and structure here. Well at least there was in July 2021!
On further investigation I realised that what remained of the deckhouse had collapsed onto the bridge deck floor, and slightly backwards so some debris now lies over parts of the winch on the port side. It’s sad to see, but it’s inevitable that wrecks will all eventually degrade and collapse, it may take lifetimes depending on water type, depth, and exposure to wave and tidal action.
Her are a few pictures that hopefully describe what the changes look like. I guess this maybe old hat for local divers or regular visitors, anyway I thought it worthwhile recording for those that don’t visit too often. The first two images were taken in July 2021 and record the deckhouse in place, in operational times this sat directly below the wheelhouse.
The second pair of photographs show the bridge deck from last week, its clear to see nothing sits up more that 300mm bar the odd post.
So the Shuna has become a bit shoogly. It’s not surprising really as it celebrates its 109th anniversary below the the waves on 9th May. Take care in future, but enjoy your dives on this amazing wreck.
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